Interesting Stuff - Week 47

Throughout the week, I read a lot of blog-posts, articles, etc., that has to do with things that interest me

  • data science
  • data in general
  • distributed computing
  • SQL Server
  • transactions (both db as well as non db)
  • and other “stuff”

This is the “roundup” of the posts that has been most interesting to me, for the week just gone by.

This week was a “meager catch”, maybe because of the holiday in US, but very little caught my eye. Anyway, here is what I have.


  • Transactions in Apache Kafka. A while ago Apache Kafka introduced a transaction API. This post gives a high level overview of said API. Being a database “nerd”, this is awesome!!
  • Looking Ahead to Apache Flink 1.4.0 and 1.5.0. Heh, I swear - it seems that Kafka and Flink are in lock-step, releasing posts about new functionality, or - like in this case - ideas about new functionality. Anyway, this post is about thoughts about new functionality in upcoming Flink versions.

Data Science

SQL Server

  • TSQL Tuesday 96 Round-up. A couple of weeks ago Ewald hosted T-SQL Tuesday, and as it was right after PASS, he chose a non-technical subject, where he asked the community to post about persons who have made a contribution to their world of data. In this post Ewald does a summary of who wrote posts about who.

TSQL Tuesday 96

OK, I didn’t contribute to TSQL Tuesday 96 (so shoot me). However having included Ewald’s post above in this week’s round-up, I started thinking about people that have inspired/influenced me in the world of data. In reality, there are so many, but I stuck to the “rule of three” (I have no idea what it means, but it sounds good). So, without further ado:

  • Don Box. Sure, I know. Don is not a database person - trust me I know! However if it hadn’t been for Don, there would not have been no DevelopMentor, if no DevelopMentor, no spelunking, no teaching SQL Server, without teaching SQL Server I would not have … So Don has been a great influencer!
  • Ken Henderson. Ken passed away - way, way, way too early - in 2008, and the SQL Server community suffered a huge loss! His The Guru’s Guide to SQL Server Architecture and Internals had been a constant companion and source for ideas for me, and without that “tome” I wouldn’t be where I am today.
  • Pat Helland. What can I say, from transaction monitors together with Jim Gray at Tandem and later at Microsoft, to SQL Server Service Broker also at Microsoft, to distributed computing in general - Pat is a legend. His thoughts and ideas are provoking and inspiring, and I am learning constantly!

SQL Server R Services

  • Microsoft SQL Server R Services - Internals XIV. After many a false starts I finally managed to get the post about Binary eXchange Language (BXL) out! And for you who have followed my posts in the Internals series, where I have talked about extremely big BXL packets - I know what causes it, but I do not know why.

~ Finally

That’s all for this week. I hope you enjoy what I did put together. If you have ideas for what to cover, please comment on this post or ping me.

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Microsoft SQL Server R Services - Internals XIV Microsoft SQL Server R Services - Internals XV

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