Interesting Stuff - Week 22

Throughout the week, I read a lot of blog-posts, articles, etc., that has to do with things that interest me

  • data science
  • data in general
  • distributed computing
  • SQL Server
  • transactions (both db as well as non db)
  • and other “stuff”

This is the “roundup” of the posts that has been most interesting to me, for the week just gone by.

As it was the case last week, my reading has suffered due to work as well as due to “prep” for the Microsoft Cloud Society - Data Science Roadshow, at which I will speak on Tuesday (June 6) next week.

SQL Server

Distributed Computing

  • A Brief Update on Me (in a Word, Pulumi). Well, me in the blog-title is obviously not me as in myself, but Joe Duffy - previously (among other things) “Director of Engineering for Microsoft’s Compiler and Language Group” e.g. he knows a thing or two about “stuff”. He has since resigned from Microsoft and started Pulumi. The post was his first in a while, and as good it is to hear from him, it is infuriating to not know what Pulumi is all about :).
  • proto actor. Roger Johansson, who is the father of Akka.Net has gone and created another actor framework: It sounds extremely interesting, being sort of a mix between Akka.Net and Microsoft Orleans.


Data Science

SQL Server R Services

As was the case last week, I am struggling with getting out the next installation of my SQL Server R Services series. It is slow going but I hope to have something out within the next two weeks.

~ Finally

That’s all for this week. I hope you enjoy what I did put together. If you have ideas for what to cover, please comment on this post or ping me.

Oh, and if you attend the Microsoft Cloud Society - Data Science Roadshow conference in Johannesburg, please come by and say Hi!

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Interesting Stuff - Week 21 Interesting Stuff - Week 23

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