Interesting Stuff - Week 19

Throughout the week, I read a lot of blog-posts, articles, etc., that has to do with things that interest me

  • data science
  • data in general
  • distributed computing
  • SQL Server
  • transactions (both db as well as non db)
  • and other “stuff”

This is the “roundup” of the posts that has been most interesting to me, for the week just gone by.


Distributed Computing

  • Welcome to Azure Cosmos DB. In the beginning there was Azure Document DB. It has now grown up and become Cosmos DB, a globally distributed, multi-model database.


SQL Server

Data Science

SQL Server R Services

Just an update about where I am with my series about SQL Server R Services. I am busy working on Internals - VI. I hope I will be able to publish it early this coming week. In the meantime you can always go back and read the previous posts :):

  1. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 R Services Installation
  2. Microsoft SQL Server R Services - Internals I
  3. Microsoft SQL Server R Services - Internals II
  4. Microsoft SQL Server R Services - Internals III
  5. Microsoft SQL Server R Services - Internals IV
  6. Microsoft SQL Server R Services - Internals V

That’s all for this week. I hope you enjoy what I did put together. If you have ideas for what to cover, please comment on this post or ping me.

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Interesting Stuff - Week 18 Microsoft SQL Server R Services - Internals VI

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