Moving to a New Blog Engine

Every so often I get an itch, and I want to try out a new blog-platform. The time has now come to leave my self-hosted WordPress and move on to something “geekier” (I am a geek after all).

I have just now finished moving my few posts from WordPress to the new engine: OctoPress. In a future blog post on the new blog I will try to explain why I made the move, and why OctoPress. The new blog will be hosted on Windows Azure - I do get free Azure credits together with my MSDN subscription, so I thought I’d see what all the “fuss” about Windows Azure is.

As of a couple of minutes ago, I pointed a CNAME record for to my new Windows Azure host. We’ll see after a while if all worked. RSS feeds etc. should be as before - as I use feed-burner.

So, see you all on the other side!

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SqlClrProject on GitHub Installing Octopress on Windows
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